Buzzword: Soul Detox

Why you could benefit from getting rid of decaying beliefs

Lolo Ntshiqa
2 min readJun 3, 2020
Artist: Alice Donovan Rouse

When you leave food passed its expiry date, you are reminded by the repellent fumes that it’s time to throw it away. The fumes are a warning signal to investigate the cause and act with immediate effect.

However what happens within your soul when it is time to get rid of decaying beliefs about who you are and how you perceive your life?

What is the warning signal that you can look out for, and how can you begin detoxifying your inner life?

The soul, similarly to a fingerprint, is a unique imprint that is given by the Creator for the purpose of expressing who you are.

What you end up expressing to others is what you are also teaching yourself to remember. This explains how you adopt certain attributes, such as your belief, habits, and personality traits.

You will know your soul life is healthy when what you express is authentic. You won’t feel double-minded or pressured to present yourself in a particular way.

A soul detox is only necessary when you feel you have become unrecognizable to yourself. When your current beliefs and behaviors cause you more pain than happiness.

What Is a Soul Detox?

You can think of a soul detox as a period of reflection on significant areas of your life. As you reflect, you assess the developments or milestones that have occurred overtime, and whether the current state conditions represent what you are about.

A few open-ended questions can assist you with this exercise:

1. What is the general feeling you have about this area of your life?

2. What has changed? And how have these changes occured overtime?

3. What are your beliefs about this particular area of your life?

4. How have your beliefs, opinions, and attitudes changed overtime? Are there significant situations that brought about the changes in your beliefs?

5. How do you hold yourself accountable for the way this area of your life has turned out? What choices can you own up to?

6. How do you see yourself taking back control in this area of your life moving forward?

Your ability to look at each area of your life without holding judgement toward yourself, or any other individual, will allow you to have a sober outlook and accept what is.

You will see with clarity where the underlying issues are and how these issues have affected your soul life.

Your soul life is detoxified when you are able to sincerely assess the condition of your life, how it has changed overtime, and identify (and release) harmful beliefs that have robbed your peace.

Just like throwing away expired food, you will be empowered to get rid of these expired thoughts and feelings and strive toward living in your truth.

